Not only are you lazy and completely incapable of delivering on Sunday [because, way back when, people were more interested in their mail than stale ritz crackers] or any day when there’s an inconvenient car, but you’re sneaking in rate changes. .41 cents now? Right now? Just today? God, I’d hate to be an item placed in a box on Sunday with the wrong postage.
And, you know what? I don’t want to hear any old-timer bullshit about how they’ve been getting free delivery! Oh, FREE DELIVERY? Really? And Express mail, on Sunday, with no extra charge? Not to you, maybe, but the shipper had to pay one hell of an extra charge for that. And, if it’s something you ordered, you’ll see those extra charges. There’s nothing free about this shit, and it’s not the best service in the world.
It used to be better, but you had to live in a tiny little nowhere-town to get some of the extra goodies, like leaving spare change in your door-box with an unstamped envelope. And you could only do that if you happened to know the letter carrier.
And you were guaranteed to get service there, because the carriers? They’d actually get out of their vehicles, even though it’s supposedly ‘official USPS policy that the carriers cannot leave their vehicles to deliver mail,’ because they might get hit by a vehicle. Or something. I asked how I got stuff delivered to my doorstep by USPS, but there was no answer.
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time we got something back for all these rate increases and new hoops — and hey, no more numbers at the post office? Yeah, it’s time to get something back.
How ’bout bringing back Sunday delivery, assholes? Or are we still worried that people will flock to the post office instead of showing up to drop their mandatory donation in the offering plate?