I guess so. Oops.
I lost track of time working with Gallery2, and that easy integration plugin over on my test site. I know I should be working on other, more important things, but I kinda got sidetracked when things started working exactly how I wanted them to work.
I’ll probably start working on the important stuff again when I notice that moving more than a thousand images into a new gallery isn’t going to be fun. And neither is all that updating of the posts with images already in them.
I also managed to fix one more problem I was having with the new TV tonight, with a little help from Comcast, since it was actually their box that was causing the problem.
I’m not sure if I mentioned it in either of my other completely inane posts about the new TV, but I switched the cables from the DVR to the TV from component to HDMI on Friday. When I did that, my lovely 1080i went to 720p, and that was…well, not seriously horrible, but disappointing. I couldn’t figure out what was going on — HDMI was supposed to be all sorts of better — and google wasn’t much help, either.
I should’ve called and asked Comcast sooner.
“Hi, I’ve got a really, really stupid question about the DVR.”
“Okay, what’s your question?”
“I just got this TV that has HDMI inputs on the back, so I thought I’d switch over, right? When I did, I was suddenly only able to get 720p, instead of 1080i like I could with the component cables. Is there something about the box that only lets you output in 720 with the HDMI?”
“That doesn’t make sense. HDMI is better.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Then, she checked the computer to see what equipment I have from them, and instructed me to hit ‘cable, power, menu’ on the remote, and said I should get a white screen. It took a minute, but I was magically blinded by the DVR’s setup screen — the one that I’d forgotten all about — and that’s where I was able to reset the output for the HDMI.
I’m mostly just going through the entire thing here so I have some sort of record of it, so it’ll be here the next time I pull an Einstein and completely fucking forget.
Speaking of forgetting: that Robot Chicken Star Wars thing is on tonight, since everyone but me seems to have known about this whole ‘Robot Chicken’ thing. People and their secrets…I’d be filled with a burning rage if it weren’t for all the apathy taking up every last bit of internal room. Or something like that.