Sony released an apology for using this building in a game, and promised that it would make sure to never use it in any future game ever again. Or something.
But that’s not enough for them. Oh no. They’re demanding that these new ‘codes of conduct’ be followed.
Digital Guidelines code of conduct
1. Respect our sacred spaces as places of prayer, worship, peace, learning and heritage.
2. Do not assume that sacred space interiors are copyright free.
3. Get permission from the faith leaders who are responsible for the building interiors you want to clone.
4. Support the work of those engaged in resisting the culture of gun crime and those involved in promoting the work of conflict resolution.
It doesn’t get much dumber than this, unless you count the comments on various news articles from the religious types saying, “See, this is what’s so great about us christians. If this was a [insert other faith-based-building here], then shit would get blowed up! Hurr.”
I can’t wait to see what they decide to do about any potential future natural disasters or wars that break out that threaten their building. Are they going to make up a list for that, too? Perhaps ‘Future Guidelines Code of Conduct’
1. Respect our sacred spaces as places of prayer, worship, peace, learning and heritage. This means no lava, you silly volcano!
2. Do not assume that sacred space interiors are willing to accept water damage, damage from space debris, or anything other than a direct Act of God.
3. Get permission from the faith leaders who are responsible for the building interiors before you bomb them.
4. Stop all that global warming right now, or I’m turning this cathedral around. I mean it.