Nothing happened today….

Well, almost.

I finally found my preferred type of green tea pods on last night [only 4 left in stock, and I hope they’ll get more], and when I checked on my order, I found that my other order is now in the ‘you can’t cancel me, ha ha’ zone.

That is: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is officially in ‘being prepared for shipping/shipping soon’ status.

I still don’t know how they’re shipping the books, and how they think they’re actually going to get the book to me on Saturday.

Thinking about it, I probably just completely fucked up that whole Saturday thing, if not by emailing them and asking them who they were shipping these things through, then by having an encounter with random customer service kindness — at a Starbucks, of all places.

It was nothing, really — one of those big plastic cups of icewater — but it was very thoughtfully offered when I turned down my regular iced chai. I saved some money, and got the water I needed to feel better.

…and, probably, used up all of my ‘good customer service’ points for the rest of the year.

Go on, say something....