After doing an intensive internal search [two words, five seconds of glaring while it loaded], the first instance of ‘child porn’ on my website was in this post
Then, a hundred posts later, this post shows up. And by a hundred posts later, I mean the first post was 54, and this one is 154.
The next post? Post 185, which is the one I always figured was the reason. I didn’t know there were ‘child porn’ posts earlier than ‘Porn — it’s for the children, too.’
While it’s obviously self perpetuating [every other post is either Search Query Post or PedoDay — twenty and four, with one of those four being a double pedoday. And we’re not counting the bizztard post that shows up under ‘child porn’], those three posts are the likely source.
Of course, for all I know, this could be some sort of combined stupidity thing, a mix of bizztard not understanding how the intertubes work, and my having said something NotNice [and posting the usernames of] the PeeJ crowd.
I doubt the second one, though. PeeJ wouldn’t use bizztard tactics. PeeJ would use Scientology tactics.