One more word.

ONE MORE WORD. Just one. A single utterance of misunderstood utter bullshit about being made because of some strange obsession over R:1 or AvC, and…well, I’m not sure.

I might have to educate you. I might have to show you the blatant obviousness that is my sidebar, or my website on the wayback machine. Or your own hypocrisy.

Or I might have to show you

I don’t know what it is, except that it’s obviously a URL purchased because someone thought it’d be clever to have ‘wiki’ in front of something that makes very little sense as a word…maybe because they thought that’s all you had to do to become a part of the wikimedia project. Or because they wanted to pretend they were part of it.

Oh, and it’s a website just full of archived communications from people. Along with their names, addresses, pictures and phone numbers. Because that’s what PeeJ does. And it doesn’t appear that all these people are actually ‘registered sex offenders’, so you can’t say that it’s okay because of that….

I could go into this more, but I think I want to see where this stupid PeeJ threat on the chans is leading. This could be entertaining….

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