The Dark Knight

In a word: good.

Also, wow.

And, goddamnit, why did that guy have to go and die on us? Selfish bastard.

I don’t usually recommend going to see something, but I’m making an exception. Go. See. And, for fucks sake, leave your kids at home. Not only is this a little too grown-up for most of them, it’s just fucking tacky. Leave it with a sitter, because nobody wants to hear it screaming for mommy when the big, bad, scary things happen.

And nobody wants to hear it get bored and start making a racket with the pennies, or candy, or whatever it can use to make said racket.

One thought on “The Dark Knight

  1. I really want to go see this. And yeah, without the offspring. My kids have a much higher tolerance for scary than most, when they were toddlers they loved The Bug Movie (aka Starship Troopers). They generally cope with such things better than some adults I know, but I’m still really hesitant about bringing them to this. How it ends up PG-13 is a bit beyond me, too. I guess that’s what happens with arbitrary guidelines like language, nudity, and blood, but no real consideration of context and message.

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