Empty threats.

The tantrum over this gotards.com page has, shockingly, resulted in absolutely nothing.

And I think I know why….

See, I never actually bothered to look at this person’s profile before.

Yahoo! ID: ooso.reticuli
Real Name: Michael
Nickname: my.eyes.vibrate
Location: Blue Terra
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Sex: Male
Occupation: Professional labor avoider/Home IT Specialist
Hobbies: Reading, movies (especially cult classics), music(electronic/psychadelic), internet, philosophy, PSP, bicycling, Binaural Feedback, and understanding how people think and why they think the things they do.
Latest News: Be grateful for all that you have, for no matter how much or how little it is, no matter how warm the sun may be, nothing lasts forever, winter is inevitable.
Favorite Quote: “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.” – Nichola Tesla (The Future is Your’s)

Other interesting tidbits include:

I ‘m a philosophical oddball, a wanderer in paradise. What other people around me dislike, I usually enjoy. When it comes to art, be it audio or visual, the stranger the better. I desire greatness, but don’t feel I should have to be a slave to gain it. I desire peace, but have trouble getting along with people.

…from his Paltalk profile, where he seems to be the only member of an ‘EBE’ group under Religion&Spirituality, in the Metaphysical category. Which really makes me wonder — if he’s the owner of a paltalk group about Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, why the hell did he get so riled up about people not even remotely suggesting that he believes what he apparently believes?

Most telling of all would be this:

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated
Orientation: Eunich
About Me: I like to watch weird movies, listen to binaural feedback, and try to understand people.
Spiritual Views: Other

I’d believe the eunuch part. And the complicated part….

It’s amazing what thirty spare seconds and google can do….

Go on, say something....