Random PM stupidity

I happened to catch this one just after it happened….

12:17:18 AM ahmet_zebari: <private> To hunter.the_crazychick hello iam male from turkey im 38 year old i need a cam sex if your need ? can we make to love by cam?
12:18:23 AM ahmet_zebari: <private> To hunter.the_crazychick why didnt answer me
12:18:40 AM ahmet_zebari: <private> To hunter.the_crazychick dont afraid me i dont eat you and fuck you

And then, this happened. So I decided to respond to it. And it was funny.

cjudd25* <arrives> Male
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:36:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
cjudd25: <private> Hi, can I ask you a question?
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:37:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
Hunter.the_CrazyChick : (in PM to cjudd25) What.
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:38:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
cjudd25 : (in PM to Hunter.the_CrazyChick) i have always wanted to wear a thong in front of a girl but I ahve never bought one, what color do you think I should get?
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:39:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
cjudd25* <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:40:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
Hunter.the_CrazyChick : (in PM to cjudd25) Obviously, you should get Victoria’s Secret Pink Cotton Thong in bz4-Rainbow Geo.
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:41:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
cjudd25 : (in PM to Hunter.the_CrazyChick) no really, do you think I should get a black one?
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:42:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
Hunter.the_CrazyChick : (in PM to cjudd25) No.
cjudd25 : (in PM to Hunter.the_CrazyChick) what then?
LOG DATA Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:43:37 Hunter.the_CrazyChick, Religion:1::1361
Hunter.the_CrazyChick : (in PM to cjudd25) I already answered that.
cjudd25 : (in PM to Hunter.the_CrazyChick) but thats a girls style
Hunter.the_CrazyChick : (in PM to cjudd25) So? You might as well go all the way with it.

…and then he disappeared. So sad. Because it could’ve been funny.

Go on, say something....