Newsflash: Idiot takes Onion Seriously, then tries to pretend 'turning satire around on them'.

March Together For Life: Murder without conscience

Assuming this pro-birth, pro-babymill [let’s just make up terms here] freak doesn’t get smart enough to find the ‘OH FUCK HIDE MY MISTAKES DELETE DELETE DELETE’ button, there’s even more, including where it kinda misunderstands satire in the way that…most people do, and then completely misunderstands sentences!

Good job, dummy.

This was stolen from the board.

I guess someone’s gotta break this story….

Technically, several someones already did, but, wow…there’s some stoopid here.

The basics — there’s this guy I know from chat, that I actually met once, who’s being charged with four or six or who the fuck really knows how many counts of exposing people to HIV.

Since this was in Kansas, lemme just whip out the old GoogleSkillz and show the law:
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So, is it Yahoo Responder Bot or Yahoo Responder System?

Of all the stupid things to come up in chat….

Bots. Y’know, those things that I was accused of not knowing what they are by some guy who got all cranky and emailed me because I posted his stupid IM questions? They come up in chat a lot. They’re a part of chat.
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