DragonRaid Adventure Learning System

DragonRaid Adventure Learning System

It’s like Dungeons&Dragons, except the DM learns ‘Christian Leadership Skills’, and the game happens in EdenAgain, and there are LightRaiders and TwiceBorns, and they’re fighting against Dark Creatures and Dragons, and the OnceBorns are slaves to the Dragons, which are sin….

And one of the Dark Creatures is ‘Greedo’.

…it’s so stupid.


As much as I hate to push off the main page, this is just FUCKING RETARDED enough to require sharing. In fact, it makes my first post under the ‘websites’ section of the Idiot Archive.

This is just a horrible fucking website. It looks fucking awful in opera, and copypasting the main text over to read in wordpad doesn’t improve it any.


EDIT: Since the little lameass can’t keep his ‘last post I promise’ promise, he doesn’t get to comment anymore. If this somehow causes you to be unable to comment…that’s not my problem. Find somewhere else to do it.