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Category Archives: Updates
Store update.
I’ve added several ‘finished’ versions of the ‘mrowr?’ head-cat, and an anglerfish.
I’m currently working on an owlish thing, and considering several ‘dinoblobs’, and did I mention that I have a bunch of stuff just waiting to be finished? And that I’m planning on adding photographic-type stuff [possibly in framed print form at first, but later maybe as other things].
Yeah, I probably already mentioned that. I’m just kinda tired right now. Adding stuff is tiring.
Oh, I almost forgot. The ‘shop’ link up there [it’s next to FAQ] now leads to my store instead of Wasted.
Let there be shopping.
I may have mentioned at some point that I had a store that wasn’t at all ready to be seen.
Well, it’s probably still not ready to be seen, but you can see it anyway. It’s at shop.coffeechick.com, or, if you prefer, cafepress.com/coffeechick.
Currently, there are only the three cephalopods, the stegoblob, the iguana and the three beanbag bunnies. Eventually, I hope to add a bunch of photo stuff, and several other drawings I have sitting around, waiting to be finished, saved at the proper size, and put online somewhere.
And then there’s the eyething, which I completely forgot about in the middle of all the ‘why the hell doesn’t this thing work’….