Mess mostly unmessed. Also, Tracking.

I fixed the alignment thing. It turned out that there was a perfectly good reason for it, after all. I’d just missed it because it was in the wrong damned place.
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Excuse the mess….

I’m adding tags, and some of the code is being a pain in the ass [as code often is].

The taggy part is working just fine — better than fine, since I wasn’t expecting this plugin to work quite so easily. But it is, so…that’s good.

I’ve just got to figure out this whole alignment thing [there’s no reason for it, as usual], and do it all while being bothered by a bunch of people for a bunch of completely pointless things.

…and apparently it’s shopping time, which means I get to not work on this for a while.


Update, part 2

It was stupid shit, which caused more stupid shit.

A plugin was keeping the ‘older posts’ thing from working. That plugin was something I relied on to make my archives work a certain way. So now my archives are a bit ugly and the more post-heavy months are impossible to navigate. I’ll have to put that on the list somewhere….
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