The firetruck story that everyone’s already heard.

Watchmen came out on the 6th. That was…kinda a while ago, wasn’t it?

It was good. Reasonably accurate, with some glaring differences that…probably were for the best. Because the original ending was a teensy bit convoluted, and probably a little difficult to get across in only three hours.

Looking back, I probably should’ve tried to insist on not seeing it until I had painkillers, because I knew I was going to end up with a headache.
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Sharing the lulz.

So, there’s this idiot in chat — writerinindia. He’s…a very special sort of idiot. For the past few years, he’s been coming to the room [R:1, and AvC before that] complaining that the Indian government is harassing him for writing, demanding that he not write, and making it so that he can’t [by keeping him too poor to do anything but stay in cheap hotels and get online at an internet cafe every night].

So, he’s a special sort of crazy. And he’s obsessed with me — and the kidney racket he thinks I run. He seems to think that Gremlin is the doctor I’ve hired to harvest the kidneys. And that my house is made out of lino-eum. Or something.
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This might be the most useless thing I've ever seen.

Laser Scissors You can cut a straight line! Just aim the pin-point laser and follow the line. No marking, no crooked cuts. Metal, 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1″.

Who came up with this thing? Are they still alive? Did they stop to think about how the laser only guarantees that you might cut it along that line, and not that it’ll be from the point you want to the point you want?