Category Archives: With Images
Useless Kickstarter Thing: Pressy
Let me preface this by explaining the use of ‘useless’ in the concept of ‘Useless Kickstarter Thing’. The object itself may or may not be useless–in some cases, things that come out of Kickstarter are usable, used, and have many uses indeed. The ZBoard, for example, was a Kickstarter project, and it is all those things. The Pebble was the first ‘smart watch’, and it came out of Kickstarter.
However, the nature of Kickstarter, to me? It’s a place where things that people think ‘should’ exist go to get the money to make them. And, while things that ‘should’ exist often have uses, they’re not often essential or ‘useful’.
That is, they are things that we live without, and things that real venture capitalists wouldn’t throw a tiny percentage of their metric fucktons of money at.
I have opinions on Kickstarter beyond that, but, since this particular object did not come from a Kickstarter I was involved in personally, I will leave them for later, once I’m sure about them. I mean, I’m sure about them now, but I’m going to wait until I have the product in hand, or I’m sure I will never have the product in hand, to relate them.
I will, in short, wait until my personal experience with Kickstarter leads to a fully informed opinion.
Now, on to the Pressy.
I have a semi-irrational loathing of Apple. I don’t like their phones, I don’t like their computers [I know how to use them–there’s very little mystery when you started your computer-using life on a C64, so shut up]. I don’t like their hardcore users [and I reflexively defend against them whenever I talk about my dislike of iProducts].
I refuse to set foot in an Apple Store, because that place combines everything that bugs me about Apple with several deep-seated anxiety issues.
But my dislike is not universal. I am willing to admit that, for my purposes, they do one thing extremely well–better than anyone else [possibly by way of patents-and-lawsuits].
The iPod.