NES Controller TV Stand

I’m a terrible slacker. We all know this about me. And, like all terrible slackers, my slacking tends to bite me in the ass, like it did yesterday.

See, I was supposed to be clearing out some space over the weekend to be ready for this incredible custom TV stand a friend of mine was building for me. But, between my general feeling-like-shit and laziness, I ended up going to bed before I was really done. Because it’s me, I went to bed at around seven Monday morning.

Right around noon, Gremlin wakes me up, telling me that it’s time — they’re going to bring it over now, so we need to move some stuff.

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Romeo To Go

I have a free app problem.

I acquire them, sometimes I download and install them, and then I forget about them, only to rediscover them and wonder what the fuck I was thinking.

Romeo To Go is one of those apps.

I got it for free on Valentine’s Day, because I figured it’d be pretty silly. I didn’t really know what it was until yesterday, though, when I found it hiding in my apps.

Holy fuck.
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Sometimes, evolution sucks

For example, humans.  Sure, we’ve evolved brains and thumbs and used those things to make computers and other nifty toys.

…but then, one of them made this image.

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