To Don Myers of TShirtBordello

You’ve made a magnificent mistake. An egregious error. At first, I’d hoped that it was merely an atrocious aberration, a bit of a blunder on your part…but it wasn’t.

What was it, you ask? Because you haven’t actually asked, so I have to pretend that you have a very poor memory, and show you.
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You’ll find some interesting facts.

I’m not dead. I’m sure that disappoints a few people, but I’m like that. I just haven’t had anything worth posting about. But, hey, $.78 spent a few months ago solved that.
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I’ve decided to try something new.

I’m not sure if this is going to become a regular thing, because I’d really hate to have to add a whole new category.

I think I followed the formula correctly. (Questionable artistic&writing skills + obscure jokes)Questionable Sanity = well, this:
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