Yes. I’m back to drag you through another one of these – and it only gets worse from here.
The last one was like being dragged along a gravel road against your will; this time, it’s a beach. With used needles and broken glass.
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Yes. I’m back to drag you through another one of these – and it only gets worse from here.
The last one was like being dragged along a gravel road against your will; this time, it’s a beach. With used needles and broken glass.
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I know I’m running the risk of being entirely too trendy, but I just have to say it: Twilight sucks.
I also know what you’re about to say. Let’s see if I can cover all the outrage all quick-like….
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I’m supposed to be working on a website for someone.
I’m supposed to be fixing a computer for someone else.
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