Shitty fanfic writers of the world, rejoice….

If Dan Brown can do it, so can you.

What the hell am I talking about? Why, getting published, of course. And making millions. The man has just about as much talent as your average feedbackslut in your favourite fandom. You know the one — she writes the mpreg….
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Profiler, American Gods, and a bunch of other stuff.

I’m currently in the middle of Netflixing Profiler. I might’ve mentioned that before. Season 3 today, and hitting a downtime in the weekend, because Netflix doesn’t do anything during the weekend.

But that’s okay, I guess. I’ve got a bunch of other stuff.
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Stephen King’s Cell

Somebody lied to me.

Somebody, long ago when I first found out about this book, wrote up a thing that said that this book was about zombies.

It’s kinda not.
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