Let there be shopping.

I may have mentioned at some point that I had a store that wasn’t at all ready to be seen.

Well, it’s probably still not ready to be seen, but you can see it anyway. It’s at shop.coffeechick.com, or, if you prefer, cafepress.com/coffeechick.

Currently, there are only the three cephalopods, the stegoblob, the iguana and the three beanbag bunnies. Eventually, I hope to add a bunch of photo stuff, and several other drawings I have sitting around, waiting to be finished, saved at the proper size, and put online somewhere.

And then there’s the eyething, which I completely forgot about in the middle of all the ‘why the hell doesn’t this thing work’….

I know who I'm voting for….

No, I didn’t do this. Gremlin did. I was asleep…which is probably why it’s Cthulhu/Dagon, and not Cthulhu/some obscure otherThing that would work just as well as Dagon, except it might be a much longer, more unknown concept.

I approve, though. Dagon is probably the perfect running mate for Cthulhu — especially if you believe that Dagon is nothing more than an avatar of Cthulhu himself.

Obviously, the image is a link to the store. All the usual stuff is available, but some of it is more perfectly electioney than others — like the pins, and the new Yard Sign, which I think exists especially for the election season.

I’m not from Tech Support.

No, I’m really not. I don’t work for Adobe/Macromedia, BradyGames, Comcast, Cafepress, DirecTV, Dreamhost, EBGamestop, Gamefaqs, Gateway, Google, HP, Microsoft, Myspace, Prima, Qwest, Sony, Toshiba or any other company that makes things that you might be having trouble with.

I am not the HelpDesk. The HelpDesk is not here. The HelpDesk never was here. I don’t even have a fucking desk, okay? See? NO DESK HERE. My monitor is currently sitting on top of my tower, and my keyboard is on the floor. Sorta. It’s more like…on this funny angle at the side of this big comfy chair, but it’s partly on the floor. NO DESK. Ergo, no HELPDESK. The HelpDesk is on the other side of the planet somewhere, where they do not speak American anywhere near as fluently as I do.

I suppose that’s why people keep coming to me. That, and I keep letting people get away with ‘hey, thanks,’ and ‘I owe you.’ The great, worthless and intangible gratitude.
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