My most recent bit of orange-enveloped goodness showed up the other day, and taught me why renting was so much better than actually buying. Thanks to renting, this game is now sitting out in my mailbox, waiting for the mailman to come and take it away so I can get another game instead.
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Tag Archives: Games
Lego Star Wars, Big Brain Academy, and Animal Crossing: Wild World.
So…I’ve been playing some games recently — more than usual. Normally, I don’t really play games, because most of them don’t hold my interest for very long. This week’s been weird, though.
We got the first Lego Star Wars through GameFly, discovered that it’s a two-player cooperative type game, and spent a day playing through it — right up to the Darth Vader level [the last level, probably]. Stupid lava jumpy falley-away shit.
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And the first game goes back….
This whole mailbox based game rental concept is just wonderfully snazzy and shit. You get a game, and when you’ve discovered that you’re sick of it twelve hours later, you just put it out in the mailbox and raise your little plastic flag.
So, we didn’t keep the first game very long. Why? Because it was Rampage: Total Destruction. It’s mildly entertaining, but only for a few rounds.
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