Wow. Just…wow.

Rowan just shared this with me, apparently from chat last night. Now, I share it here….

julio_n_ikko: buxiu you want to know a trick? of your girlfriend has small tits give her viagra and her tits will swell up huge
julio_n_ikko: well the viagra first searches out for dick to swell and finding no dick it will search out the next thing that is pronounced, in a female’s body that would be the tits

Stupid, self-important mommybloggers….

Apparently, there’s a thing going on for the internet ‘in crowd’ — a group I’m very proudly not a part of. I do not want to know these people. Ever.

No. I’m not being a bitter outsider. I just really, seriously don’t want to have a faux e-friendship with anyone who pimps their baby to the fucking internet for cash donations, ads, and potential freebies from various companies.

And I really, really don’t want to be known by anyone who has the balls to complain that they were turned away from an evening, invite-only cocktail party for having a baby with them.

What sort of fucking idiot takes a baby to a cocktail party anyway?
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Book burning! Wait, what…?

Milwaukee-area citizen Robert C. Braun of the Christian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU) distributed at the meeting copies of a claim for damages he and three other plaintiffs filed April 28 with the city; the complainants seek the right to publicly burn or destroy by another means the library’s copy of Baby Be-Bop. The claim also demands $120,000 in compensatory damages ($30,000 per plaintiff) for being exposed to the book in a library display, and the resignation of West Bend Mayor Kristine Deiss for “allow[ing] this book to be viewed by the public.”

That’s from here.

Also, here’s some video.

The guy might be hard to follow. I think what he’s advocating may be…people who are suffering from a terminal illness, and likely to die soon…should go into the library, steal books they find offensive, and destroy them.

…and they’re suing for the right to burn a book. A book from the library.

I hate people.