
Someone decided that I was the perfect text market for their…I don’t know, poorly executed choose-your-own-adventure romance? I’m really not sure. I just happened to catch this happening in my Rejects bin, and decided to respond to it.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t at my best. I’m sure I could’ve done much better if I’d just been slightly more awake and able to see.

…and not bewildered by the incredible stupidity.
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This might be the most useless thing I've ever seen.

Laser Scissors You can cut a straight line! Just aim the pin-point laser and follow the line. No marking, no crooked cuts. Metal, 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1″.

Who came up with this thing? Are they still alive? Did they stop to think about how the laser only guarantees that you might cut it along that line, and not that it’ll be from the point you want to the point you want?

ooso.reticuli: And if you post anything on your little websites I will make damn sure every person who comes in here knows you are a hacker

ooso.reticuli made a couple of dire mistakes yesterday. The really important one, though, was this:
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