On getting a roommate, and my incredible self-involvement.

It’s backstory time.

There’s a third person living in our house right now, and I think they’ve been here for a little over a year. I’m a little hazy on that, because I have a real issue with time and how much of it has passed…but we’ll go with ‘a little over a year’.

Let’s go back to that vague point. Not really, of course, since I don’t even really remember when it was, so I couldn’t even begin to guess where the hell everything was so we didn’t end up in the middle of space, but…oh, you know what I mean.

Part One: “Athiel might be moving in with us.”
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So, my parents came out for a visit….

…and I have a crapload of pictures, but…I’ll get to them later.

In fact, I might get to all of this later. It’s going to take some sorting out.
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We interrupt this bit of internet for some unexpected real life.

I’ve been busy. Busy skinning things [interpret that however you want], moving things, and generally doing things that aren’t all Facebook Game Related. Busy in general.

That’s not exactly the point of this, though, so…lemme get to it.
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