Now I'm tired….

I did a quick run-through of the Utahraptor portion of the Idiot Archive, and fixed the broken images. I was going to fix some of the fucked up tags, but I got sick of it after the third post.

And I discovered that there were two or three files missing. I don’t know where they went — if Gremlin deleted them, or what. I’m not sure where they’d be, if he did.


Edit: it was just brought to my attention that the timer on the bizzi page was getting a little…ridiculous, so I fixed it. Now, instead of just 168 months or whatever it was, it reads ‘3 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes, 31 seconds.’ That’s much better….

I can’t sleep.

I really should’ve gone to sleep at around five, so I could be sure that I was awake in time for this thing I have to do early tomorrow. But, obviously, I’m still up. I don’t know why.

I suppose I could be waiting to make sure that Gremlin gets up, so he can wake me up in time. I’m not sure.
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Look what I did!

I redesigned the site. Yay for me.

I decided to try out this whole single-column thing for a while. So…I made this.

It should all be fairly obvious. The same forms of navigation are still there, just…in different places. Like the categories. They’re at the bottom. And the recent comments thing is gone — I might work on putting that into the footer, too. I just…haven’t yet. Because there was no way for me to test it elsewheres. Not really. I’ll work on it, though.

There’s new stuff, though. The Idiot Archive, while linked by category at the bottom, is also in the top list. It’s ‘Idiots’, if that isn’t clear enough.

There may be a few bugs. Let me know if anything looks bad or broken or whatever. And let me know if something needs a bit of improvement.

Update: I added the Recent Comments.