That was annoying.

I made the mistake of updating Gallery, so a bunch of stuff was broken for a while. And a few things are still broken, because it replaced my theme.

I’ll get to it later, when I’m not annoyed by the fact that a bunch of plugins are suddenly needed, when they weren’t before….

Store update, also, site update. Kinda.

A new version of wordpress came out, so I updated…and broke something. But that’s okay, because I think I fixed it. There might still be a few broken things lurking around — let me know if you find them.

Also, I added a product to the store. Pro-Life (until it’s born). Because I felt like I had to….


Not exactly sure what happened, but things broke for a while, and I gave up on trying to fix them. All better now, though. Maybe.

I still can’t get the visual editor to load, but I don’t actually care about that.