Computer games to get cigarette-style health warnings
Video games will be forced to carry cigarette-style health warnings under proposals to protect children from unsuitable digital material.
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Tag Archives: stupidity
I guess someone’s gotta break this story….
Technically, several someones already did, but, wow…there’s some stoopid here.
The basics — there’s this guy I know from chat, that I actually met once, who’s being charged with four or six or who the fuck really knows how many counts of exposing people to HIV.
Since this was in Kansas, lemme just whip out the old GoogleSkillz and show the law:
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Sensationalist Bullshit Headlines Imply Big Business is Funding Pedophiles. Yahoo Chatters become Real Victims.
Yahoo Chat is sucking more than usual these days….
Using Yahoo Chat right now is a real act of self-abuse. Free self-abuse, but still.
There’s the 114 errors, which you’re lucky enough to see if you’re using the right alternative client. When you see a 114 error, your text hasn’t actually been posted in the room.
In other words: the old ‘users can’t see eachother’ problems are back.
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