This week, I finally figured out how to mix my own cookie-flavoured ecig liquid.
This might not seem like a big deal, but it kinda is.
It’s, like, a hundred dollars worth of a big deal.
This week, I finally figured out how to mix my own cookie-flavoured ecig liquid.
This might not seem like a big deal, but it kinda is.
It’s, like, a hundred dollars worth of a big deal.
While I’m still technically a nonsmoker, I have, over the past six months, had more than a few cigarettes.
I’ve got some…pretty serious anxiety issues. And a bit of an aversion to pharmacologically-induced zombism, which means I’m more than hesitant to try anything a doctor would recommend. Because, really, I can’t imagine that the out-of-control panic feeling could possibly be made better by anything that would make me feel even less in control of who I really am.
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