I’m a little backed up here, as far as ‘stuff I should do’ goes. I can blame that on lack of sleep.
I sorta tried trading up — I got the sofa, and Gremlin took my made-of-pillows-and-a-game-chair bed. I didn’t get any sleep.
That kinda sucked.
I didn’t get the mattress on Tuesday, but I did get some decent mail. No more religious stuff [holy shit, do I have a lot of that to catch up on], but Lays sent me three more free-product coupons. That’s kinda cool of them.
I also got some Netflix stuff — one of them was a little suspicious. If I were more paranoid, I’d suspect that they were throttling me. One of the envelopes has the return address of Las Vegas. I’m not sure which movie was in it, though, so I couldn’t return them properly.
Oh well.
I got two movies, both a day earlier than the ‘At Home’ list said I’d get them. CSI Season 1 Disc 1, and Soldiers in the Army of God.
If you want a good look at some scary individuals, then the documentary about the Army of God is something to have a look at. These people are fucked up.
I also got a bonus rental that I went ahead and activated. When one of my DVDs didn’t show up the day they said it would, and instead arrived back at their facility the next business day, I complained, and they gave me a bonus rental. So, I get four out for the price of three — which, according to everything I’m seeing, is slightly lower for me. Their site lists my plan as $17.99, and I’m getting it for $16.99 plus taxes. Total comes to $18 and some change.
I should start keeping track of this stuff.