I don’t know about you, but it got me a stethescope that kicks the ass of the one ‘issued’ to me [more like ‘loaned’] by the clinic I served time at in the Army. That one was probably made out of the cheapest materials possible, though, so it could be purchased for pennies each.
This one that I just got is still pretty cheap [being only $10.00], but it doesn’t suck. Everything is so amazingly clear, it actually hurts a little if you bump the diaphragm too hard.
I would’ve taken pictures of it to post, but I can’t find my camera right now. And it’d probably be pretty stupid to take pictures of a stethescope, right? It’s not like I got the purple one, or the teal one. Just the basic black with latex free tubing.
…of course, it’s pretty stupid just posting about it, isn’t it? I’m pretty sure I’m in a minority here, getting excited over a common piece of simple medical equipment. Anyone else would probably not see the point of having one of these things, since they’re good for, what? Listening to shit, and taking a person’s BP the old fashioned way? Who does that anymore, with all the cheap and easily obtained digital ‘BP and Heart Rate’ things available at RiteAid?
What can I say? I like being able to hear my own heart, lung and bowel sounds.
…now all I need is an otoscope…and a way to look in my own ears. I’m thinking $10. won’t get me that.
BUT what color is it? Does it have patterns on it? And did it come with a thing to warm the diaphram?
They make pretty swank ‘scopes these days.