I seem to have gotten myself in over my head on this one.
It’s not so bad, really. I guess. It’s almost easier than reading about any of my other ‘strangely obsessed subjects’, since everything’s all…nicely archived here and there. Unfortunately, there’s a lot more of it than I initially thought. And some of it’s harder to wade through than others.
…and I haven’t even read anything actually written by the ‘source’ yet. Not entirely, anyway. Little bits here and there in other books don’t count, really. Based on that, though, it’s going to be some of the hardest shit I’ve ever tried to drag my brain through in any number of sittings.
I just finished Messiah or Madman. It’s…sometimes a little confusing to begin with, I think, and then there are some strange OCR issues all over the place. I’m starting to think that OCR was invented specifically to piss me off….
It took me the better part of this week to finish the damned thing — over half of it I read since waking up at ten yesterday night, and I’ve been awake longer than it takes to play all three Extended Editions of Lord of the Rings…so I’m just pleased that what I’m typing resembles words.
I’m also pleased that the croutons aren’t gone. Unfortunately, my soda is. When the hell did I finish that….
Anyway, I just finished setting up a whole ‘nother browser window, and I’ve arranged everything I have left for reading in an order that may or may not be precisely chronological. Once I’m done there…I don’t know.
I’ll leave you with something funny that I swiped from somewhere.