I loathe PeTA. Anyone not new here knows this. And, if you are new here — I loathe PeTA. They kill more animals than they help — they may even have a higher kill ratio than your average city-run shelter. Their people can’t even be bothered to dispose of the corpses in a respectful manner.
And, of course, they feel the need to wedge their square little pegs into whatever non-square-shaped hole they can, just to get themselves attention. So, they’re going after videogames, and making little flashgames in an attempt to…I don’t know, annoy people into siding with them.
Their latest is this little…bastard lovechild of memory and a target shooting game. Without requiring either memory or shooting. Because you can’t actually expect someone to remember anything, and you can’t really allow shooting.
The little ‘cards’ flip over to reveal pictures of animals, fruit, or breasts. And they’re all NES-style. And this is somehow supposed to encourage you to…I don’t know, not test for breast cancer in little pink owls. Seriously. Little pink owls. Or pears. Because a lot of breast cancer research is done on pears.
I guess the game is supposed to instill an aversion to anything but breasts. Except it doesn’t, really, because there’s no apparent penalty for clicking on the wrong thing, or neglecting to click on the right thing. Time will run out if you neglect to click on the right thing, but that’s about it.
I don’t see why they insist upon cranking out such crap. Maybe PeTA supporters think it’s good. Or maybe they can’t actually find someone to work for them that’s knowledgable and creative enough to come up with something better. Maybe those types all eat meat. I don’t see why that would stop them from hiring, though. Seriously, they already have high-ranking hypocrites. What’s one more?