I am not a criminal.

…but, if you want to accuse me of being one, you’d better find a polite way to do it.

An example of how not to do it happened less than an hour ago in front of Safeway.

Today was one of Gremlin’s dentist appointments, so there was a prescription to be filled. And with that comes a bit of time to wander around and pick up a few things, like the supplies I needed for making this lasagna recipe I found.

I also got some loaded baked potato soup, but I’m strangely not hungry anymore….

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I made a fascinating discovery today in my quick google search to find out whether or not the Salvation Army actually pays its bellringers – it does, in case you’re curious.

I discovered ‘The War on Christmas’ – which seems to be some sort of thing attached to this O’Reilly person I hear so much negative shit about.

If any of this stuff I’ve been reading about what he’s said about the ‘war on christmas’ is quoted accurately… I think I understand why people dislike him so.
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The Girlcott….

So, a bunch of whiny stereotypes are bitching about Abercrombie and Fitch finally doing something cool [if a bit overpriced], and how they’re not a stereotype, or something. Here’s a news article about it.
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