Adventures in Telephone Customer Service.

So, I’m sitting here, minding my own business, when my phone makes that annoying noise it makes when it gets a text message.

It was a big ol’ free thankyou text from Verizon for autopaying my bill with my Discover card…except, my bill is a little more than I expected.
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I guess someone’s gotta break this story….

Technically, several someones already did, but, wow…there’s some stoopid here.

The basics — there’s this guy I know from chat, that I actually met once, who’s being charged with four or six or who the fuck really knows how many counts of exposing people to HIV.

Since this was in Kansas, lemme just whip out the old GoogleSkillz and show the law:
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So this is what it feels like to be filled with an inarticulate rage-like feeling….

My day didn’t quite go as planned. I wanted to head off to the 10:35 showing of Silent Hill this morning, but that didn’t quite happen. I’ve been told that we’ll go tomorrow, and I really hope we do. I’ve been filling the rest of the rather pointless day with CSI, and fill-ins [little word/number puzzle things, kinda like crosswords, but without the clues].

More recently, I’ve been reading the ‘reviews’ of Silent Hill, and I’m noticing two things:
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