I was just thinking….

And I thought I should share, I guess. I was thinking about how horribly stupid and childish most people are. How — no matter how old they are — they seem to be at least partially stuck at some point before highschool graduation. You know what I mean, with the stupid social games and the bullshit and the fucking attitude….
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Temperament testing

I should know better by now, I really should, but I’m watching those damned Animal Cop shows on Animal Planet.

I’ve only been watching them for about two days, but it’s bringing back something that annoyed me when I first saw it in this HBO documentary about some dog shelter.

Temperament testing.
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Porn – it’s for the children, too.

For the last week or so, I’ve been seeing ads for the local news about “The Two Sides of Eddie.” The ads were deliberately vague, only revealing this guy’s name — Eddie — and that he gave a lot to children, and also owned a bunch of pornography…stores, and stuff.

It’s had me thinking a lot about this. Now, I finally have a sort of article from the news station that was doing the broadcast.
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