Y’know what I like?

I like it when customer service happens at me — especially when it happens at me in unexpected levels of goodness.

Yeah, I know. You’re probably all familiar with my history of experiences with customer service, and how bad it usually is, so any good customer service could be considered to be ‘unexpected’. But I do know the difference between ‘appropriate levels of customer service’ and ‘above and beyond’.

I just had one of those experiences that, while maybe not ‘above and beyond’, is at least living across the street from it.
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This is why I don’t buy stamps anymore….

I got a ‘We tried to deliver something by knocking on your door and disappearing as if we were never there’ notice from the Post Office on Monday.

I told them to redeliver it Tuesday [online, while making sure I could do that over the phone].

I wait up on Tuesday to make sure I get it.

It’s Wednesday now. Guess what….
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Once again, it’s been a long couple of days.

The monitor to replace the monitor that needed to be fix finally reappared from Repairland, leaving only the weird, temperamental videocard issues that Gremlin’s tower has had since day one. So I spent a night reformatting that instead of doing anything else.

Exciting, huh?
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