Re:So who is this grammatical neonate spamming the board?
Posted by Flashtalon [ -] on 12 March 2001 at 23.19.08:
In Reply to: Re: Hi all posted by The VerySilly_BeQuieter on 12 March 2001 at 22.22.14:
Doobie do. Neighborhood birdy here. Hi!
: Oh and very mature with the name change Amber. By the way do understand what bad grammer is??
In one proverb there was a saying:
Do not attempt to take the sty from your neighbor's eye before you remove the sty from your own.
Or something like that. Check your own work before you criticize others.
YOu might be interested to know about a few things that I have found out about you and if you want to play these silly little childish games so be it.
Not really.
But I warn you you better be prepared for the consequences of you actions. How much of you life do you want public??
Aren't there laws against this? Slander and libel or something like that???
That was very childish. So for one who has claimed to have grown up and changed (Oh yeah I have read it all sweetheart) so much I would like to see an wxample of it because this is not it. This is an example of how very much you are the same. Grow the hell up!!
And that reply in itself is not childish? Take your own advice, dear Veracity, before you try to cram it down _ANYONE's_ Throat. Also, since you seem to be the newbie here, let me explain some things to you: Attacking people isn't the normal way to go here (dispite what you may think from seeing the plethora of posts about the Red-Cat Incident). Oh yeah, ~FT
If you keep on going on about things without thinking before you post, you'll probably end up in NotS 3... or something....
which might be amusing, but I highly doubt YOU would be amused by the light you'd be cast in.
Thoreau and Emmerson Rock!
Transcendentalism.... awroo..
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company