Re: Hi all

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Posted by The VerySilly_BeQuieter [ -] on 12 March 2001 at 22.22.14:

In Reply to: Re: Hi all posted by VerySilly_BeQuieter on 12 March 2001 at 22.13.51:

Oh and very mature with the name change Amber. By the way do understand what bad grammer is?? Take a look at the changed name then and you will an example of it. You want a challenge? Fine I will give you one. Email me and I will tell you who I am and I will tell you everything else also. YOu might be interested to know about a few things that I have found out about you and if you want to play these silly little childish games so be it. But I warn you you better be prepared for the consequences of you actions. How much of you life do you want public?? And just one more question? The thing you posted on the Helga issues was not even 5 days ago so in that time you have gotten over your anger that you had and have decided that you a better person than she is? Like hell you have! If you had in the first place you never would have brought your petty problem on here for all to see and talk about. That was very childish. So for one who has claimed to have grown up and changed (Oh yeah I have read it all sweetheart) so much I would like to see an wxample of it because this is not it. This is an example of how very much you are the same. Grow the hell up!!
Veracity Bequeather

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