Re: Hi all

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Posted by VerySilly_BeQuieter [ -] on 12 March 2001 at 22.13.51:

In Reply to: Hi all posted by Amber on 12 March 2001 at 18.36.19:

: When no one talks about the subject it is essentially droped. Now to dopes such as the Ver well dumbasses dont really know how to let things go.
: I have let the Helga thingy go because well it stupid to take anything she says personally. She lies and thats the end of that.
: I have let the red thing go because it was stoopid and it is getting old. SHe is propably screaming for attention.
: Now this dumbass Ver shows up ha so what? Just back it all up because no one is going to believe you.
: Take my challenge Have the balls to tell me who you are. You know who I am.
: Amber

I have told you who I am Miss Amber and I tried to contact you in a peaceful adult way but that was abviously to much for you to handle so if you want to talk to me then you need to get a clue and find out. I for one was just clarifying a few things. I felt that people should have both sides of the story and since I was and impartial third party and not involved in this I was putting it out there. I did not believe that you had lied about everything nor did I think Helga did either. I though someone else had somehow played you against one another but you chose to accuse my of lying for Helga also so you made your own bed with me. I am not a person who likes being accused of things and when I am accused wrongly I get mad. When I get mad it is very hard for someone to appease my anger not that I am sure you care one wit about it. All I have to say is I believe in telling the truth and the whole truth. You were the one who made this thing public matter and brought people into this that did not need to be involved so now you have to deal with me telling the entire thing even if it makes you look bad. So stop trying to be the injured party here. You are not innocent just like Helga is not innocent. And as for my having the balls to tell you who I am. Sure I will but as I have told you write to me and I will tell you there but until you have the guts to face me one on one instead of on here for all to see and judge you can keep guessing who I am. I do have the balls to deal with you and if you knew who I was (which you should) you would know I am not one you want to cross. Have a good day.
The Veracity Bequeather

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