Lay off R . A!!!

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Posted by Motzart(God do I love clasical Music.) [ - BLWPΨ<]Ψ<^Ψ<`Ψ<_Ψ<`Ψ] on 23 March 2001 at 22.03.51:

Ok I'll be the first To admit That not everyone is Bloody perfect and most of my good friend are far from most but they are still my FRIENDS! Bashing R and calling her a lair is Like Calling the Kettel Black A! If you have some thing to say check your closet first you are not inocent at all. Nice one on not leting Some one out on friday night's. (Trust him a lot.)Get a life and stay out of outher's(Let's See It was Helga's and Gertrude's Wasn't it Hmm.)Outher people know stuff about you Too!

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