Lay off the zerowing... wait you TALK LIKE THAT?
Posted by Baron Greenback [ -] on 25 March 2001 at 00.03.52:
In Reply to: Lay off R . A!!! posted by Motzart(God do I love clasical Music.) on 23 March 2001 at 22.03.51:
I'm developing a hypothesis on why the whole zerowing thing is coming back; you see, the language that the rest of us are speaking, American English circa 1960-99, is being replaced with a pseudo-language I like to call Esperagango, which includes dipthongs from episodes of Bevis and Butthead, Beasty Boy's CD's (played at full speed without knowledge of all the lyrics), and the dude that works at the local gas station who always comes in with that "home-grown" smell and who requires visine in large doses.
This came about as a result of the Ebonic Language being assimmilated into American English, then spoken to high school students which inspired a bloodhound gang song about a roof being on fire, who then interact with people like myself, who then go online and absent mindedly type in this fashion, abbreviating their speech out of habit as well. Finally, people like the one who created this thread find this Language of strange parentage and use it in real life.
This in turn, caused people on-line to remember zerowing...
Of course, (s)he could just be stupid, and the zerowing speach could be just a coincidence.
At any rate, Esperagango to American English: (BTW To those speaking United Kingdom English, just remember that in the states we only have one vowel, that being e in different pitches and intensities, but fully pronounce our "r"s, and you'll be fine.)
Ok I'll be the first to admit that not everyone is b (note: fascinating how far esperagango has spread...)loody perfect and most of my good friends are far from most are far from being good friends, or live at great distances from eathother, the translation is unclear but they are still my FRIENDS!Note that the speaker is using "middle" Esperagango; words are capitalized for emphasis the same way an American English speaker might add an emphasis word before the word being emphasized. In high esperagango, every letter is capitalized. Bashing Ra person known as Red; it's common practice in Esperagango to allude to something in this fashion and assume we all know what they are talking about and calling her a lairliar; spelling rules are still beyond me is Like Calling the Kettel Black A!"like the pot calling the kettle black, Amber". Esperagango is still in the stages of borrowing popular phrases speakers may have heard in other languages the speaker understands at least partially If you have some thing to say check your closet first you are not inocent at all.reffering to the cliche "skeleton in the closet", again a borrowed expression Nice one on not leting Some one out on friday night's.Possibly talking about the American practice of walking animals around the block, or possibly detaining another person, the translation is very uncertain. (Trust him a lot.)Get a life and stay out of outher'sothers(Let's See It was Helga's and Gertrude's Wasn't it Hmm.)Outherother people know stuff about you Too!
Perhaps we could hire the Gideon goons to put Oxford English Dictionaries in people's hotel rooms?
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company