I have some explaining to do.

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Posted by Amber [ - 1Cust122.tnt3.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 09 March 2001 at 00.56.40:

Ok it got really personal for me. I have been lied to and set up against people who have did the right thing to call animal control. As far as I am concerned I hope that we can all learn from this experience.
I dont think there was any excuse other then plain stupidity. And here is my saying: Stupidity is forever, there is no excuse for ignorance, and ugly is to the bone. So this will be the last time I write about the CAT incident.
Other things have been said that needed to be said and I took it apon my self to say them. I have been holding back for FIVE YEARS. Why? I thought things would change. I thought she would stop her behavior. Now that I know diffrent I will not be holding back anymore.
Red as you take it upon yourself to "put others in there place" I will be doing the same to you. Only I have five years of information, resentment and hurt. Hopefully you will learn that keeping you mouth shut most of the time is a good thing. And that what you dish out comes back seven fold.
Ps is it ok if I can change my name to Ghost?? Does anyone ahve that name??

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