I might as well also...
Posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-a-95.dnvr.uswest.net] on 09 March 2001 at 03.27.28:
In Reply to: I have some explaining to do. posted by Amber on 09 March 2001 at 00.56.40:
: Ok it got really personal for me.
For me as well, but that's generally how I hit people. While the Chaos issue isn't even remotely personal, the attacks are. Its what I do.
I have been lied to and set up against people who have did the right thing to call animal control.
Which, as it turns out, isn't the first time. At least for any of us. She 's run round making shit up at people about some of us before and been caught. Which, for that, I think is her worst fear, being caought. She generally tends to dislike that.
As far as I am concerned I hope that we can all learn from this experience.
We can, smart people generally do. On the other hand, smart people don't go round dyeing animals.
: I dont think there was any excuse other then plain stupidity.
That would be accurate, she's proven that she's not bright.
And here is my saying: Stupidity is forever, there is no excuse for ignorance, and ugly is to the bone.
Not that the three are always related, but they do tend to show up together alot.
So this will be the last time I write about the CAT incident.
Fair enough, I can get behind that. I can't actually make the same claim however.
: Other things have been said that needed to be said and I took it apon my self to say them.
And quite well I might add.
I have been holding back for FIVE YEARS. Why? I thought things would change.
Yeah, I used to be like that. I'm not sure how old you are or what your experiences might be, but at twenty-five, I'm to the point that I just don't care anymore. I'm done helping /overlooking the dumb. I'm not playing the fucking tip-toe around the problems for whatever idiot's sake game anymore.
I thought she would stop her behavior. Now that I know diffrent I will not be holding back anymore.
Agreed. As stated above.
: Red as you take it upon yourself to "put others in there place" I will be doing the same to you. Only I have five years of information, resentment and hurt.
And you also seem better suited to it than she is. She's never been very good at correcting anyone, she just comes off as a hypocrite.
Hopefully you will learn that keeping you mouth shut most of the time is a good thing. And that what you dish out comes back seven fold.
I don't know anything about this seven thing, but I can assure all involved that what comes around goes around. That karma thing might exist, but it's far to slow for my tastes.
: Amber
: Ps is it ok if I can change my name to Ghost?? Does anyone ahve that name??
I'm gonna have to back Gremlin on that one. ~Swyndle
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company