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News of the fat chick...
Posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-c115.dnvr.uswest.net] on 12 June 2001 at 15.03.38:
I should start this by letting you all read something else posted to ICQ to me, from Red, on 11/16/00 at 5:11pm mountain time.
Skippy!!!! Hi there babe!
That done, let's move on to a transcript of todays conversation in which I saw her come online in ICQ and let her have it.
But, since I'm your opposition in this case, we should likely refrain from discussing it. With regard to that last statement, are you accusing me of something? Well, for a second there it looked as though you were accusing me of adultery or some such nonsense. Oh, congrats on having the good sense to abort the first one, since the new kid isn't biologically yours, try not to abort it would you. As for a happy life, I've noted many times that the dumb seem happy, you should fit in just fine.
Swyn: Terri wants to know when you're planning on paying her the six grand you owe her.
Red: oh it's you. If I wanted to speak to you, I would have messaged you.
Swyn: That's not relevent, you owe money, Terri wants to know when she should be looking for it.
Red: let her know after I pay my fucking lawyer bills for the bullshit you instigated with Chaos.
Swyn: Oh good, and how long will that take?
Red: Depends on how much longer this gets dragged out, now doesn't it? Would you like /another/ continuance?
Swyn: There wont be one, we'll go to court, have it dealt with and you'll be on your merry little criminal way.
Red: And another thing... why can't Terri call me herself to find things out? Or her son for that matter? Technically you're not involved directly.
Swyn: No, I'm not, but if you were them would you want to talk to you?
Red: No, I'll be happily returning home with my cat and you'll be looking at some charges yourself. Like lying in your statement, for one.
Swyn: I never lied in my statement.
Red: I am a perfectly rational person with a brain. I am capable of speaking to others.
Swyn: Not so far.
Red: The fuck you guys didn't! I, for one, would //love// to know when you said shit to me about the dye thing until it was over, and then Charon was the only one to say anything. You just decided to take it upon your happy self to meddle and then lie about what really happened.
Red: You know something, swyndle? You're not worth the oxygen that you breathe. You should stop stealing it so other people could enjoy it.
Swyn: I didn't meddle, I saved an animal's life.
So when do you think you'll be paying Terri?
Swyn: Swyndle, with a capital 'S'. Like this: Swyndle.
Red: when I get around to it. I have other more pressing bills.
Swyn: Not for long you don't.
Red: Like my marriage.
Red: When did you become directly involved with any of this anyways?
Swyn: I always have been.
Red: Meddle, meddle, meddle....... Don't you have a fucking life, and wife come to think of it, ofyour own? Or are you fucking Terri to get things? Oh, I'm sorry, was that my outside voice again?
Swyn: Guess you really did love Charon after all.
Red: Accusing? no... I don't make accusations without having something to back it up with. I also refrain from making death threats. Those are illegal.
Swyn: You seemed to enjoy threatening people on the board. Memory loss?
Red: No accusations on my end.
Swyn: Good.
As for a life, and a wife, yeah, I've got both, I'm a hired collection advisor at the moment.
Red: The reason for the abortion is self explanitory. I was raped.
Swyn: Yeah, so was Terri's chequebook.
Red: Swyndle, why don't you just fall off the face of the earth and leave me to my own happy life? Or is it that you are jealous of me?
Swyn: Jealous of some obstreperous, self important, dwarf that weighs nearly twice my wife? Hardly.
Red: I personally think that you can't stand the fact that I have bettered myself. I am above you. I make better money. I am going to have a happier marriage. I don't need to leech off my best friend's mother because she has the hots for me. I have a conscience, and a brain, and a heart. I have more going for me than you ever will.
And I think that drives you crazy.
Swyn: You don't make better money than me.
I'm sure Wysp will be happy to hear that our marriage isn't happy.
Hi again, just thought I'd add something in here. I don't leech off anyone's mom, and I've never had a conscience. The latter of course having no relevence at all, but I thought I should mention it. However, I've never found a useful purpose for a conscience either, which is largely why I haven't run down to Wal-Mart or wherever they have these things and picked one up. Back to the transcript...
Red: Just like she was happy to hear your lies about me. Like she was happy to beli8eve that someone, anyone, would be desperate to want to come near, let alone touch, you. And no, unlike Charon, I had the presence of mind to smack your hand away from my dick. Swyn: No, I simply enjoy throttling idiots. Not that you ever actually cared about him anyway so it hardly matters. Now then, all personal shit aside, Terri needs a date on which she should expect her money. The wedding is the twenty-first you say? Sorry I can't crash it, I'll be having lunch with Ozzy, Brian Warner, Corey, and whoever else shows up. In closing this communique~, I should probably let you know that the prosecution team will contain Gremlin as an advisor. See you in court.
Swyn: Hardly, were any of it true, I still wouldn't care.
Your problem is that you came back, you would've ceased to exist to us, but you came back, that was your fault, not ours.
You mistakenly thought any of us cared.
Red: You're even more pathetic than Charon, Swyndle
yu must've cared. You replied...
Swyn: Do you think using my real name upsets me?
Red: Funny, since I never came even slightly /near/ your genetalia.....
Swyn: Except for the night of Charon's party.
Or any other random instance of his back being turned.
Red: Until the night he tried fuck Nikki, I did care.
Swyn: He only did that because he knew you were attempting to fuck her to, as well as everybody else you might meet on the street.
Red: Really? Nikki was not to my taste. Nor were any of the other people charon INSISTED on bringing into our bedroom.
Swyn: Insisted? More like was forced to by you.
And Nikki, being more attractive than you was probably a factor.
And it was his room not yours.
By the way, aren't fat chicks supposed to have bigger tits than those?
Red: The seventeenth tuesday of May 2090
Swyn: I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear that. Idiot.
Red: Hopefully not
Well, there you have it, hoping apparently makes things all better. Ah well, later, kids. ~Swyndle
I'm still having trouble grokking why people think I'm too intolerant.
- Re: News of the fat chick... posted by BerzerkerTam [ - proxy1.rott.chello.nl] on 13 June 2001 at 13.12.11
- Re: News of the fat chick... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.00.58
- Re: News of the fat chick... posted by Shadows [ - spider-wo034.proxy.aol.com] on 12 June 2001 at 18.42.26
- Actually, I'm working on that.... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.44.12
- Actually, I'm working on that.... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.44.12