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Re: News of the fat chick...
Posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.00.58:
In Reply to: News of the fat chick... posted by Swyndle on 12 June 2001 at 15.03.38:
Damnit, Skip, you stole my fontcolour.
: I should start this by letting you all read something else posted to ICQ to me, from Red, on 11/16/00 at 5:11pm mountain time.
: Skippy!!!! Hi there babe!
Ah, that would be her never ever liking you all that much, sorta like her telling me she adored you was her never liking you much....
: Swyn: That's not relevent, you owe money, Terri wants to know when she should be looking for it.
: Red: let her know after I pay my fucking lawyer bills for the bullshit you instigated with Chaos.
Bullshit he instigated? Do tell, who was it that applied the dye to the cat?
: Red: Depends on how much longer this gets dragged out, now doesn't it? Would you like /another/ continuance?
Oh, so it's your fault that this fucking thing hasn't happened yet?
: Red: No, I'll be happily returning home with my cat and you'll be looking at some charges yourself. Like lying in your statement, for one.
Proof? Any more calls for proof on this bullshit?
: Red: The fuck you guys didn't! I, for one, would //love// to know when you said shit to me about the dye thing until it was over, and then Charon was the only one to say anything. You just decided to take it upon your happy self to meddle and then lie about what really happened.
I cannot speak for Terri, but I happen to know that I absolutely told you about it when I saw you post about it on the board.
: Red: Meddle, meddle, meddle....... Don't you have a fucking life, and wife come to think of it, ofyour own? Or are you fucking Terri to get things? Oh, I'm sorry, was that my outside voice again?
Actually, Swyndle, that does look a little accusatory....
: Red: Accusing? no... I don't make accusations without having something to back it up with. I also refrain from making death threats. Those are illegal.
Which explains why it's rumoured that you said you were just going to have to dye the cat again so you could beat the shit out of Swyndle and anyone else who tried to stop you....
: Red: I personally think that you can't stand the fact that I have bettered myself. I am above you. I make better money. I am going to have a happier marriage. I don't need to leech off my best friend's mother because she has the hots for me. I have a conscience, and a brain, and a heart. I have more going for me than you ever will.
: And I think that drives you crazy.
I can't speak for Swyndle, but I personally am not working to answer phones, or lying about my job and taking my clothes off at people in some skanky dive somewhere, and I'm not even remotely jealous of anyone who does. Nor am I jealous of anyone who leaves a seven month relationship only to marry someone else one month later. It makes me wonder if she wasn't already cheating on Charon with this guy. Fuckin' whore. Marry in haste, repent in leisure, Red. Remember that....
: Red: Just like she was happy to hear your lies about me. Like she was happy to beli8eve that someone, anyone, would be desperate to want to come near, let alone touch, you.
Like I'm sure she was happy to hear what you were telling me about her.
: Red: You're even more pathetic than Charon, Swyndle
: yu must've cared. You replied...
I'm sure Charon appreciates you calling him pathetic; it surprises me, after you sitting there lamenting about 'hurting' him, or something....
: Red: Funny, since I never came even slightly /near/ your genetalia.....
And you never hit on Gremlin. And you never touched Gremlin. And I know for a fact that's bullshit, because he tells me these things. And unlike some people, he doesn't fuckin' lie.
: Red: Really? Nikki was not to my taste. Nor were any of the other people charon INSISTED on bringing into our bedroom.
I'm sure everyone will appreciate knowing that. What was your, uh 'girlfriend's' name? Sara? I'll be sure to relay that to her.
: Red: The seventeenth tuesday of May 2090
So you admit you owe her money, and never intend to pay her? Groovy...
: Swyn: I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear that. Idiot.
: The wedding is the twenty-first you say? Sorry I can't crash it, I'll be having lunch with Ozzy, Brian Warner, Corey, and whoever else shows up.
: In closing this communique~, I should probably let you know that the prosecution team will contain Gremlin as an advisor.
: See you in court.
: Red: Hopefully not
Yeah, you should hope that Gremlin isn't in court that day. You won't win, either way, but, well, having him there just makes things harder for you to even attempt to save face.... ~Hunter