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An open letter to Rhiannon [Red] Douglas
Posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.26.34:
Rhiannon Douglas: I must admit that I've not known you for very long -- less than seven months, to use your relationship with Charon as a time reference. I shared living quarters with you from November until the night that you used Clairol 22RR [or whatever it was; I no longer have the box. The box is with the lady who took pictures of Chaos while she was dyed] on the cat. During that time, I feel I put up with you quite well. I kept my mouth shut about all manner of things. I never cared. I was too concerned with the politics of keeping the house together to really concern myself with the reality of it all. Which is why I was so willing to delete the message from Swyndle that you didn't want Charon to see -- even though I knew it would get me in trouble with Gremlin, and even though you replied to it. That I find odd; if you'd wanted it removed, you should never have replied to it. Which is why I also let all of these things slip by me without ever commenting: Which, I can't believe you'd actually have the fucking nerve to scream at Charon about how he "better not fucking treat [you] like Gremlin treats Hunter, because [you] deserve better than that," knowing full well that both he and I were out there, on the couch, right next to the fucking wall. Because I was sick that day. Because he was attempting to take care of me, even though he doesn't quite fucking get what it's like to be sick, because he never gets that sick. If you're going to accuse him of abuse, you better be able to prove it. I find it excruciatingly funny that you think you're just going to get to 'test your wings' with this child. Welcome to a full time job, woman. This kid may not be yours, and it never will be, but it's now your full time job. You're the stepmom. This kid is going to treat you like you deserve [and I don't mean 'like a goddess']. And don't think you can get away with just smacking the shit out of the kid to get it to do what you want it to do. That's illegal. What in hell am I going to do with a padded bra for which the smallest-sizingclasp still leaves it loose, and on which the cups are too small [not to mention padded all to hell; how fucking annoying]. What in hell am I going to do with underwear that are a size 'Large'? What in hell am I going to do with pants that I could fit all of myself into one pantleg? And why do I need baggy shirts? I've been measured as 34", 24", 32", at 5'5" and 100lbs; what in fucking hell am I going to do with clothes that double as a bivouac? Which, on the subject: I'm rather disappointed in you. You missed one utterly predictable thing which could've, for about five seconds, caused quite an interesting situation. You could've accused Swyndle and myself of cheating, and sleeping with eachother. That would've been really cute. Quite amusing, too, considering I couldn't even begin to consider being sexually attracted to Swyndle. Nothing against him; he's just not even remotely my type. Do you not think we were justified in not trusting you after you got fuckin' arrested for creditcard fraud? And after all that money kept disappearing? Hell, I had my own wallet fucked with after having left it in my coatpocket in the upstairs closet. How do I know? The reciepts were all out of order, and sticking out of the side pocket, and one of my creditcards was put back wrong. But that's hardly the point. The point: You, Rhainnon Douglas, or 'Red' as you prefer to be called, have gone quite too far. In your most recent conversation with Swyndle, you claimed that we were in trouble for 'lying' in the statements. You accused me of lying. That's going too bloody far. What are you attempting to accuse me of lying about? I think the only technical falsehood I ever spoke to you was in regards to Scarlett's ICQ UIN, which I was unwilling to give you, so I told you I didn't have it on hand. If she wants to speak with you, she knows where to find you. What else.... Lying about the cat? Lying about whether or not it was mentioned to you before that dying the cat was bad? Saying that nobody mentioned it to you is an outright lie on your part. You see, I did indeed inform you that using human hairdye on a cat was harmful to the animal -- we spoke about it through ICQ after you posted on the board about your 'black, white, purple and orange' kitten. I was terribly concerned about the animal, but you assured me that the dye was animal-safe. I found out later that it wasn't, and that annoyed me greatly. Something that I neglected to mention in the above list. During a later conversation, after the most recent dying of the cat, you assured us that you always used Clairol on the cat, and that you'd called them to ask them whether or not it was safe for use on animals, and they gave you the go ahead. Which both infuriates me and puzzles me -- see, if you'd called Clairol and asked them about using it on a cat, you'd have heard that they don't test on animals, and therefore don't know what it would do to a cat, but since they're so physio-fucking-logically different than humans, and since they use their own tongues and saliva to clean themselves, that it would obviously be a bad idea, since the stuff is extremely hazardous. What did you do, ask them if it was okay to use on your child? And what are you trying to threaten us with legal repercussions over -- none of us have lied. And if you think that just saying that we were lying in our statements will get it thrown out, then that's quite laughable. Furthermore, using the 'Swyndle has a personal vendetta against me because [I'm fat and he hates me/he wants me and he can't have me], so he made up the entire incident' won't work. And if you even think for one second that you might be able to even remotely discredit me somehow by accusing me of committing herpetocide, then you're lower than I thought. I swear that, to the best of my knowledge, this is true: You used human hair dye on that cat, either willfully ignoring or being too ignorant to understand that 'harmful and fatal if swallowed' counted in regards to felines, and I sat there on the chair in the basement with Quantum on my knee, tending to the injuries on his face, listening to that cat scream as if it were on fire, watching Quantum respond to the pheremones in the air, and listening to you tell the cat over and over "Oh, be quiet, you're not being hurt; I'm not hurting you" You make me so fucking sick.... And although I've probably already addresed this in the reply to Swyndle's post about his conversation with you, I don't see how anyone could be even remotely jealous of you. I'm certainly not. Because I could never be jealous of someone so blatantly dishonest, delusional, and fucking narcissistic as yourself. You disgust me. I can't understand why you'd even be capable of deluding yourself into believing that Swyndle, or myself, or anyone is jealous of you. I mean, let's compare things here.... And since it's getting pointless, I'll stop that. But I'm still not seeing much of a reason to be jealous of you. If you can justify that statement, fine. If not, don't even begin to assert such things. I don't expect you to respond; I doubt you have the nerve to speak to me in public, here on the board. All you seem to be capable of doing is attempt to make 'friendly talk' in private, and make empty threats in public. I'm sorry, but you can't even begin to convince me that you were the victim in any of this; I was around for too much of it. If you have the fuckin' propriety to reply and address what I've stated in here, then do so, right here, on the board. Otherwise, I'll see you in court, and then I never want to see you anywhere near where I exist again. And don't even try to pretend you 'knew me when'. ~Hunter
Swyndle Red Hunter Height: 6' 5'6" or 5'7", although she attempts to disguise it with heels. 5'5" Weight: 125, last I heard Almost 180 Ranges between 95 and 102 'Status', for lack of a better term: Married to someone whom he's been with for, what, five or so years now. Getting married to someone with a six year old kid, not even a month after having spent more than seven months with Charon, whom, according to one story, proposed to Red, but according to other stories, was proposed to, and given more than one ring by Red. Living with Gremlin; has been for over a year now. Skills: Talented artist, good with an airbrush. Seems to be quite capable of remembering every little detail about Transformers, however scary that may be. Data entry, eating, and putting on a façade of politeness, answering phones. Typing at nearly 200 words a minute in spite of wrist injuries, manipulating the genetic code of viruses, finding just about any information online, metabolising at a rapid rate, remembering things, being honest...fuck, I don't know. Employement status Currently employed, [I think] doing airbrush work, and probably on call in case any artwork needs done for Wasted, Inc., or either of it's two main 'owners'. Probably either answering phones or stripping, since she got fired from her last job in training for improper apparel. The job held before that was stripper, which I wasn't allowed to mention, because it would get her in trouble with Terri. Ex-military virologist. Coffeechick and design model.
- oh yeah posted by Amber [ - 1Cust205.tnt8.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 14 June 2001 at 09.52.25
- Odd.... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 14 June 2001 at 16.16.27
- yeah she messed up her knee in highschool. She tripped and twisted her knee ever since then she has "problems" from her knee chances are she realy was waitressing not stripping```NT``` posted by Amber [ - 1Cust100.tnt1.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 15 June 2001 at 08.36.23
- Re: yeah she messed up her knee in highschool. She tripped and twisted her knee ever since then she has "problems" from her knee chances are she realy was waitressing not stripping```NT``` posted by BerzerkerTam [ - proxy1.rott.chello.nl] on 15 June 2001 at 09.19.31
- yeah i know most guys who can not stand her~~ NT~~ posted by amber [ - 1Cust50.tnt1.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 16 June 2001 at 10.07.18
- yeah i know most guys who can not stand her~~ NT~~ posted by amber [ - 1Cust50.tnt1.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 16 June 2001 at 10.07.18
- Re: yeah she messed up her knee in highschool. She tripped and twisted her knee ever since then she has "problems" from her knee chances are she realy was waitressing not stripping```NT``` posted by BerzerkerTam [ - proxy1.rott.chello.nl] on 15 June 2001 at 09.19.31
- yeah she messed up her knee in highschool. She tripped and twisted her knee ever since then she has "problems" from her knee chances are she realy was waitressing not stripping```NT``` posted by Amber [ - 1Cust100.tnt1.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 15 June 2001 at 08.36.23
- and another thing posted by Amber [ - 1Cust205.tnt8.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 14 June 2001 at 10.34.06
- Odd.... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 14 June 2001 at 16.16.27
- Something I forgot to add.... posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 13 June 2001 at 12.28.52
- Charts and Laughs posted by Gremlin [ - c83540-c.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 June 2001 at 23.42.08