Posted by Gremlin on 03 November 1998 at 13:55:00:
In Reply to: Re: What's New posted by MstressKat on 03 November 1998 at 10:22:03:
I'll assume that his came from Myst, the Wampa. Good.
: Well that serves you right for having such a nice attitude about other people
Um, in the real world, we don't anthropomorphise PERL scripts and accuse them of fighting the good fight against unpleasant people.
: Who gave you the right to judge others? If I remember correctly...someone once said "Yet only the one without sin cast cast the first stone..." And I doubt that you are sinless Mr. Gremlin
You don't remember correctly. The word was 'let', not 'yet'.
: Why should you be allowed to crtique all the females in the nothern part of Denver?
Amendment One, American Constitution.
: How can you know what others think? And furthermore...Hutch does HAVE a first name.
- I know what others think because they've told me
- I know Hutch's first name; I didn't want to confuse things by calling him Ryan on the board, since a regular here is named Ryan
: Vampire is not considered a waste of time for those who enjoy it Mr. Gremlin...there are people that like things that YOU do not!
See Amendment One again.
: He happens to be a close personal friend of mine
Oh you're the one...
: Obviously you don't spend time with your best friend...also...why don't you have a "real" the one that your mother gave you?...unless you enjoy calling yourself after a mytholigical beastie that changes after midnite because you fed it too much
Okay, 'Myst': to answer the question directly, that's exactly where the name Gremlin came from. Also, gremlins aren't mythological, they're outdated urban legends. Mythology is archaic religion. And, according to Dahl, who started the urban legend of the gremlins, there was never anything regarding vespertine eating habits. Blame Chris Columbus for that little addition. Damnit I wish you people would bother to know what you were talking about before accusing me of things you can't understand.
: So Mr. Gremlin, do you spend all your free time wasting away in a Perkins all nite long, surronded by the dredges of humanity and attempting to write the perfect screenplay...for which yours truely knows is NEVER going to happen
- No, I waste some of my free time doing other things, too. Incidentally, all of my time is free.
- the dredges of society are more likely those who don't consider LARPing Vampyres a waste of time
- You misspelled truly.
: Why do you spend time worry about what others think? ...and why do you waste your time talking about Hutch if you do not like him? Grow up
- I didn't realise I was worried about what others thought. If I really cared, this board wouldn't exist.
- I haven't spent much time talking about Hutch since he disappeared, but that's exactly why I do it: because I don't like him, for obvious reasons. At least, they'd be obvious to anyone else.
- Grow up? Especially if growing up involves LARPing Vampyre, gaining weight, and showing it off at every opportunity
: I seriously doubt that "Lurkers" would have made it past the cutting room wasn't the most brilliant of ideas anyways
Actually, you're right: it wasn't the most brilliant of ideas. I've been the first to admit that since the project began. But it's a fun idea, and a potentially profitable idea, and a better idea than anything I've heard you suggest.
: One : I doubt that Mr. Gremlin called Carnegie anyways...and whether Hutch is fabricating a story or's not for anyone to judge...Two: I have seen Hutch act and he is a exceptional actor
One: I'm one of those anomalous people who actually has long distance on his phones in 1998. Two: If never seen Hutch act, but I've seen him overemphasise lines in manufactured accents; if he can act, he hasn't proven it to me.
: Why should we believe you? And Yes Hutch was a drug dealer when he was in highschool...I have met former clients of his
You just answered your own question. According to Hutch, it would be impossible to meet any of his former clients.
: Well Mr. Gremlin, it certainly sounds like you have a lot to say about a certain friend of mine who you have so "lovingly" nicknamed Hutch...
That's what he introduced himself to me as.
my opinion here is that you need to grow up and get a life that doesn't consist of hanging out all nite long at a Perkins, smoking cigarettes and drinking bad coffee.
Thanks for your opinion, LARPer.
If you're so smart and so rich and so wonderful, why don't you do something worthwhile with your time and money, instead of wasting it.
Yeah, I'm just doing this until you idiots let me join your little reindeer LARPs. You caught me. What the hell would be more worthwhile? Greenpeace? The PTA? Bible Camp? If there were something more worthwhile, I'd be doing it. But I don't really give a damn about any of those things, so I do what I like. And, more importantly, I don't do what I don't like. That's where you and I differ. I do it for recreation; you do it for attention.
You even said it yourself, you hate your life.
Maybe I should clarify that: I don't precisely hate my life; I hate your life, and I'm really tired of being forced into your life.
So quit bitching and moaning and change it.
I did. Next time, reply to something more contemporary.
Personally I think that you sound like your way too into yourself, your ego and you "oh-so-wonderful" personality.
Okay, Catsuit.
Get over yourself. You're not as wonderful as you think.
Believe me, I'm more wonderful than I think I am. If you had any idea what you were talking about, you'd find this as funny as the rest of us do.
You're human
If you only knew...
and you make mistakes just like the rest of us human beings. And besides that, there's an old saying that seems to ring true here "To each their own".
That's a new saying. The old saying is 'to each his own. And if it weren't for a few losers who couldn't handle such advanced concepts as the English language, it would still be that way. See, 'each' suggests a single entity, while 'their' represents a compendium of objects. I could accept 'to each its own', but that's inhuman and therefore bad. Also, you'd try to jam an apostrophe into 'its' on me.
So why don't you take a wise man's advice Mr. would save a lot of net space and hot air.
What wise man said 'to each their own'? Oh nevermind.
Now, here's what you don't know, Wampa: who, among those of us, including Hutch, was the loudest. You wanna discuss hypocracy? Great. Try to imagine Hutch overacting just how much he can't stand you. Not just that first night, but again later. When you met him at Perkins the next time. The instant you got up, he flung himself at us to complain about you and how disgusting he considered you. Then he slunk back just before you could notice his absence. You think I'm bad? Ask Hutch what he really thinks of you in front of those who he's already told. That should be enlightening.
This isn't about you. I don't care about you. This is about an idiot who made the mistake of pushing me too far. When you find that out for yourself, we can continue this brainless converstation about wasting time.
- Re: Answers Cigol 03 November 1998 at 21:52:16 (0) -