Let me just say something....

Posted by Hunter on 28 April 1999 at 03:06:26:

In Reply to: UTAHRAPTOR: Half-Witted Wonder Continues Stoopid Streak; Greatly Exceeds Expected Idiocy Quota posted by The Host on 27 April 1999 at 23:19:06:

I know I've been away for a while...let's just say I've been at something of a concentration camp for people with little intelligence, and a problem with having their own identity....

If that means I can't just jump in here, then, well....to use a line I heard down there at Alphatraz: I gives a fuck.

God that looks even dumber written out....

: I suspect you perhaps lie about your age. No, strike that. I hope that you lie about your age. Because if you are over twenty, and if you are in university, it is a sad testament to the state of the American nation. Makes me a little more proud to be Canadian -- at least our education system (and resultant average IQ) is considerably better than that of our southern neighbor.

Okay. Not that it's pertinent, but...well....I'm 18....I'm stuck in the Duhmerican's euphemism for slavery....and I've seen thirty-five year old people behaving like two year olds.

Let me put it this way....not only are most people down here functionally illiterate, as Gremlin has pointed out many times (I actually met someone who is proud to be at less than a Dr. Seuss reading level.....), but they've got the emotional development of a five year old.

At least, that's how I see it. I was only confined with these people for 20 some odd weeks, altogether, I think.

Then again, you might consider me fairly dumb myself, being a part of the military. That really doesn't say much for me, does it?

That's all I've got to say, though.


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