Posted by Gremlin on 15 February 1999 at 13:33:39:
In Reply to: Re: Noah's Mistake? posted by Utahraptor on 15 February 1999 at 08:10:53:
: That CFC's destroy OZone,a nd the whole got bigger caus eof use of spray cans and such 20 years prior to the hole. And our garabge is piling up in dumps too mcuh, form alck fo recycling, and all the air/water pollution. Stuff nobodyc ared baoutt he ahs proven to be deadly now. IE Exxon disaster.
Propoganda. There's been no significant alterations to the ozone over the use of CFCs. At least, nothing proven. Moreover, what has been proven is that the loss of ozone cools the atmosphere by letting the heat escape; ozone depletion and global warming are working against each other. Natural balance; nothing new. As far as oilslicks go, who cares. Compare Exxon to Krakatoa sometime. Mankind's feeble attempts to break things are laughable compared to natural events. Build nuclear warheads--they'll never compete with a six-mile-wide asteroid smashing into the Yucatan at the end of the Maastrichtian. And even that didn't manage to kill much, all things considered.
Granted, I've got an unusual outlook on all this. Personally, I'd rather live in Coruscant than the Land of Grizzly Adams. Maybe that's just me. In any case, the misinformation leaked by the media is for ratings--and to shift attention away from other issues. As long as people are concerned about the Dying Planet and the Fornicating President, they won't get bored enough to worry about other things. And ecology is nice because it reminds everyone of their fear of death--that implacable wall which seperates homosapiens from nothingness--unless you're one of these people who believe in an afterlife for no reason at all.
There's a funny thought: how much longer until people start worrying that homosapiens crossing over into the Next Realm will carry along their terrible habits--like tossing styrofoam out the window and killing ninety percent of Brasilian life, or whatever their delusions explode litter into. It doesn't matter. It never really has.
- Re: Ecology
16 February 1999 at 07:58:52