Re: Noah's Mistake?

Posted by Utahraptor on 15 February 1999 at 08:10:53:

In Reply to: Re: Noah's Mistake? posted by Gremlin on 14 February 1999 at 09:25:28:

: hecne the end of humanity's reign on Earth in the new Millennium.

: Hence? As in 'from that, so will be'? I haven't seen any proof of homosapien extinction in the third millenium yet; it's still nearly two years away.

Yeah, wierd part is, it take spalce anywhen from 1998-2002 the evnts. Nostraduamas says May 5 2000, and i believe him. IT also seems to eb that the signs are very small, until around April 2000 when WW3 breaks out. A sfor the signs, the weird weatehr in the US for isnatcne, the big earthquakes startign to hit. SOme say the Y2K and the Presidentaial ex crisis are all signs too.
: Firts we are born with original sin form Adam and eve. Then we get a second helping from Noah. We are victims of our ancetsor's mistakes,a dn are suffering much like we are from their anti-environmentlaist ways.

: Are we? I ahven't seen any reason to believe in that, either.
I don't buy it. Who eve rherad of punsihing someone millenia down the line for another's mistakes.

: : Once again, this si all my theory (except for the anti-environmentlaist part, whcih has alreayd been proven true, even if noobdy knew the consequences at the tiem.)

: What anti-enviromentalist theory has been proven true? That, regardless what we do to the planet, we can't actually hurt it? I'm not sure that's been proven yet, though I tend to agree with it.

That CFC's destroy OZone,a nd the whole got bigger caus eof use of spray cans and such 20 years prior to the hole. And our garabge is piling up in dumps too mcuh, form alck fo recycling, and all the air/water pollution. Stuff nobodyc ared baoutt he ahs proven to be deadly now. IE Exxon disaster.
: So anybody wth half the rbian of a dead ameoba will know that offense is purely subjective, and therefore your own bloody stoopid fault for taking it in the first place.

: I'll agree with that. The part about offence, I mean. I wasn't aware that dead amoebae had brains in any fractional amount =)
Well, that's the point. ameobas have no brains. SO, if you have even les shttan a fraction fo a none xistant brain, then you'd be really stoopid, now wouldn't you.

Follow Ups:

  • Ecology Gremlin 15 February 1999 at 13:33:39 (1)
    • Re: Ecology Utahraptor 16 February 1999 at 07:58:52 (0) -